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Trient Press

Trient Press 

Here at Trient Press, our obvious goal is to put our authors’ books in front of as many eyes as possible; to that end though, we do not value a book solely in sales. A book that sells a million copies is no more important than a title that sells only a hundred. Many books have a greater value in the message within the pages, than the bills it puts in our author’s wallet. Aligned with this mindset, the authors we currently have often participate in charity anthologies, which all proceeds go to a selected non-profit or charity group.

Trient Basmak

Trient Besmak is set to be our International leg. Set In Instanbul,Turkey, we high expectations from this office. Adding translations from English to Turkish and vice versa . In addition to signing authors from the region. 


We will be working with area prepsientives to distribute our current collection in the country while bringing the voices of the our new authors to our current markets.  

Trient Press
Printing & Distribution

Trient Printing and Distribution (TP&D) will focus on the printing of books, magazines and other media on-site, leading the way using mostly green-energy in its printing, cutting, and binding, while also keeping the carbon footprint below industry standards without cutting corners on quality or production speeds. Following the printing and binding, printed materials will then be entered directly into the distribution channel to be delivered to the ultimate reader or user.

Trient Evolve

Trient Evolve is set to be our marketing agency which will continue to partner with our small business outreach. Continuing our work with Dove & Dragon Radio and Trientrepreneur Magazine. Dedicated to the sole purpose of helping small business and author in reaching their audience.


About Us

Trient Press is a division of Triennium Lyon Media, founded in 2020. Within its first year of operation, Trient Press has published over twenty-five books and grown to two hundred titles with over fifty authors. TOP Publishing stands for 'Trient On Demand Publishing', which publishes novels both independently and through this traditional press arrangement. It also serves as a consulting firm for people who want to write a novel themselves or need editorial services such as cover design, formatting, editing or promotional opportunities such as interviews on radio stations or billboard advertising space.

Our distribution network includes thirty stores within the US but also stretches internationally into countries such as South East Asia, Europe and Australia among others. Plans are already being made to expand even further - placing fifty new books across various traditional retail channels as well as online channels like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Smashwords--that offer free ebook publishing tools for self-publishers around the world.

© 2023 Triennium International

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